Pre-School – 3 años


This week has been especially colorful and creative, marked by the celebration of Carnival. Our young students created masks using materials such as stickers, finger paint, cardboard plates, feathers, and cardstock… each child unleashed their creativity, designing unique masks. Today, we all came in costumes and participated in a parade full of music and joy...
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Today has been a special day, as we celebrated the Day of Peace. Do you want to know how we celebrated it? During the previous days, we talked in class about the meaning of peace, emphasizing the importance of helping each other and sharing a respectful environment. We created various crafts symbolizing peace and took...
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Last week, our little ones aged 3, 4, and 5 experienced a new adventure with a winter installation. In this imaginary journey, each child experimented and discovered different ways to use winter clothing and played with materials such as scarves, gloves, and hats, which they had previously brought from their homes. Meanwhile, our youngest 2-year-olds...
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Last week we started a new term, and the infants began a new monthly project focused on the fascinating world of transportation. Through Project sessions, they have unleashed their creativity, improved their fine motor skills, and strengthened their social relationships by working on various crafts. From creating boats and traffic lights to building cars and...
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Christmas has arrived in our kindergarten with creativity, learning, and joy. In this post, we share with you how our students enjoy the weeks leading up to Christmas, creating their holiday crafts with enthusiasm and focus. Additionally, they have decorated the covers of their workbooks from this first term and the doors of their classrooms...
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This week, our infants enjoyed a special Maths session through an installation related to the «Winter and Christmas» project. We transformed our classroom into a magical space to explore different materials that evoke this time of year. They manipulated and played with tinsel, built creative structures with cups and boxes, fostering their imagination and motor...
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This week, we have enjoyed an exciting activity involving nature at school, fostering curiosity and respect for animals. In sessions organized by age, we went to the gym to learn about a variety of animals. We discovered snakes, lizards, spiders, rabbits, millipedes, and even an owl. This captivating day demonstrated how much fun we have...
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Today we celebrated Thanksgiving with our preschool students, and it was a day full of creativity and learning! With enthusiasm and lots of imagination, we created crafts representing turkeys in various forms, thus showcasing our skills in fine motor development and creativity. We also talked about the importance of being grateful for our family, school,...
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Our Infant students had a great time celebrating St. Cecilia, the Day of Music. They used recycled materials to create different instruments, danced, and enjoyed the music. It has been a unique celebration full of fun and rhythm. Nuestros alumnos de Infantil lo pasaron genial celebrando Santa Cecilia, el Día de la Música. Usaron materiales...
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This week, the 3-year-old students enjoyed an exciting experience with the installation of the month: black light. They explored a magical world where colors came to life. Equipped with highlighters, post-its, and continuous paper, they unleashed their creativity, painting with bright colors that illuminated under the black light. The activity allowed them to stimulate their...
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Noticias Destacadas

Science class en E.P.
Optimismo, resiliencia y adaptación: las claves de Wisdom School para este nuevo curso
San Isidro en Wisdom School Madrid
Proyecto: Historia del Arte medieval
SYMUN 2019

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